Get a broom first!

I have had several prompts as well as some persons reaching out to me expressing their concerns as regards this space. Often I had in mind to at least write a thing or two. I think those desires only rested in my mind and not my fingers. Undoubtedly, I didn't get a broom first until... Continue Reading →

15 Questions Abraham Trivia Challenge

Welcome to the Abraham Trivia Challenge! Are you a history buff, a theology scholar, or just a curious learner looking to expand your knowledge? Do you really pay attention to details when you read the Bible? Either way, you're in for a treat with our 15-question quiz designed to test your expertise on one of... Continue Reading →

Understanding Nonverbal Communication: Facial Expressions & Body Language.

Effective communication is essential for building relationships, whether personal or professional. However, communication is not just about the words we say. Nonverbal communication, including facial expressions and body language, plays a crucial role in conveying emotions and creating connections with others. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of nonverbal communication and how understanding... Continue Reading →

It steals time!

If only we did the things we should have done when we were supposed to do them, what simplicity and ease we would have enjoyed and seen. You think you have the time until you get to that tomorrow where you have piled up things from the past. In that tomorrow you later realize it’s... Continue Reading →

Waiting for the perfect time

I have a story to tell! Did someone say it's an old book? Maybe yours haven't been touched or opened for a long time. Relax, you will understand. Let's go back in time. Sometimes between 550–486 BCE, an event happened which got my attention. Thankfully I was able to learn something significant about time from... Continue Reading →

You can ask for help!

People have always proven to be people, and that human nature isn't an exception to revealing itself. From asking directly from a friend to hearing another person telling your tales aloud in the disguise of trying to help. Often it appears that it is just best to keep things to oneself rather than confide in... Continue Reading →

Hidden motives of wicked men

Check, what prompts that choice of action of yours? A motive is an incentive to act in a particular way; it is a reason or emotion that makes one want to do something. Story, story! History calls! Once upon a time, around 1010–1002 BC, lived a great king called the beloved ( Dafidi ). He... Continue Reading →

Forced relevance

Did you ever wonder how well you matter to people or what value your life offers? Maybe you are not that significant yet to be observed or appreciated. My sincere apologies if I sounded rude. Here is the story of Emmanuel, born in a town where people are considered insignificant. It was a town where... Continue Reading →

A poem to the persons of class

It's been a while here, and I know. Undoubtedly, I'm sorry I kept you waiting this long. For a while I kept wondering what I could use as a start. Many thoughts, but this did prevail 😂 A poem! Come on! Why should I start with a poem? I couldn't resist the words flying above... Continue Reading →

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