Surround yourself with positive vibe

Different people with their personalities contribute to how well they influence their environment. Whether or not you like it, they all have something to offer, positive or negative.

Have you ever wondered about the energy around you and how well they contributed to yours? Maybe you haven’t taken the time to consider how well things happen around you, the psychology, and the state of your mind. Undoubtedly, you will agree that people’s energy is contagious, and you must choose those you surround yourself with.

You heard me right. You have a part to play in this.

Different people with their personalities indeed contribute to how well they influence their environment. Whether or not you like it, they all have something to offer, positive or negative.

Surrounding yourself the right people

No doubts! The Bible is such a rich book beyond the ordinary, giving us templates about how to live our lives in wisdom.

Once upon a time, while Jesus was on earth, was a family whose only daughter fell ill. As a concerned parent, Jairus, the father, besought Jesus to come to his house to heal his daughter. While he was still speaking with Jesus, someone from his came and broke a piece of sad news to him that his daughter had died. Painfully, this should have caused a setback and a great discouragement. It was shocking news, but thankfully Jesus was there to strengthen Jairus’ heart by telling him not to be scared but to believe and that there was still hope.

As if that wasn’t enough, they all got home and met people crying. While Jesus made a statement about Jairus’ daughter being alive and that she was only sleeping, the people around laughed Jesus to scorn. They mocked him.

Frankly, that alone is enough to put off a splint of hope

Thankfully, Jesus knew what to do.

Luke 8:54

And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise.

Jesus put them all out. He chose to!

There’s a lot the energy you choose to surround you can play in your life. And while you desire to be surrounded by people of positive energy, be one yourself. Thrive!

Thanks so much for your presence here. You are loved!

11 thoughts on “Surround yourself with positive vibe

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  1. I choose to be the change I seek, in a world where it’s so easy for the worst thing to come first from the minds of people. I will be the positive in my environment. Good post

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