
Did you ever wonder how some people get some things done in no time while you keep struggling at it? Maybe you even started together who knows.

Perhaps, the next move you had was to either get angry with them or speak badly about them to others. You might have even claimed that you were annoyed with their methods or process and not with them.

What steps have you taken to consider what the missing link was? Maybe you are right about the methods they have used. Still, aren’t they getting it done?

If their wrong methods give them 10, now or in the long run, the right process should yield something better than 10.

There is always room for personal improvement and development. You can still refine those processes and yield a great result. Now is not the time to envy or be jealous. Those characters will only dim your vision from seeing the way out.

Mind you, God is also interested in your results, and He desires that you glorify Him through them. In whatever area it might be. As long as it exists, be it academics, social, spiritual, business-wise, relationships, financials. Yes! Your shining is not limited.

Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

In fishing, Peter had an issue. He had toiled all night long. That wasn’t his first fishing experience. He had tried those night classes, relationship tips, night classes, financial tips and all. Yet nothing was taken.

Luke 5:5

And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

Something peculiar needed to be done. The idea was there but the how was an issue. Lecture notes read, all tips tried. Dear God’s word is needed. To confirm, Jesus gave him the solution. Boom! The harvest was legit big time.

Who knows if you need a customized version for the way it works for you. You see, God has them in abundance. He can give you the right tools that will transform everything. You will just be surprised. It will come.

Job 32:8

But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

Don’t dull yourself ask God for yours and stop those gossips. If it’s your relationship with God, work on it. It’s not too late. If it’s your character, words or just name it. You can’t afford to lose because of them when it’s something you can do.

1 Corinthians 3:6

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

Let God lead you through His Spirit . He loves to see you prosper. If yours is to plant then do. If it’s to water no worries. Do what’s in your power to do and then wait for the increase. You will be glad you did

61 thoughts on “Frustrated

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  1. All for his glory πŸ™Œnothing else matters, because they’re all temporary. Let’s press on, and let our lives glorify Him in whatever we do or say or even think of.
    God has already blessed us with all the spiritual blessings we need. Thank you for such an encouraging post.

    1. Those words are just so fascinating, inspiring and encouraging, am happy I checked this today, more wisdom bro😊

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