What can you offer?

Thinking about it, who doesn’t want something unique, fascinating, jaw opening, or even astonishing? Don’t you desire to be given this and that, based on what you either need or want?

Most times, you limit yourself with the mindset that you are entitled to receiving things from people, that you lose the value of giving. This mostly blurs your vision of the numerous things you are naturally endowed with and can offer. More than you can receive, what can you offer?

1st Kings 10:24

And all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

Here’s a little insight to learn from Solomon. Beyond the wealth he possessed, he had more within him to offer to his generation. God blessed him with wisdom far beyond the wildest imaginations of men. With what he had, he understood that he was blessed to be a blessing.

People from all over the world came to listen to him. He was not just a king with thrones made with gold. He also had things money couldn’t purchase.

One thing was unique to him. People didn’t just come empty-handed to him. They knew that they also had to give something back in return.

πŸ€” The receivers also had something to give.

1st Kings 10:10

And she gave the king 120 talents of gold and of spices a very great store and precious stones. Never again came such abundance of spices as these the queen of Sheba gave King Solomon.

Would it not be lovely if you would work on yourself, build that value, drill those mines, develop that amazing idea, and bring out your best. You would be surprised how invaluable they will amount to.

You weren’t made for less neither were you made to be trampled upon. You were blessed by God with the longing needs of creation. You are loved beyond expression! You are needed!

Luke 6:38

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

Your palms are far beyond receiving. They were also made to give. Thanks for taking the time to check this out πŸ˜„.

24 thoughts on “What can you offer?

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  1. Amazing post πŸ‘. There’s always something we can offer because God never created his children empty or without a gift they can use for the service of God and others.

    Thank you for sharing 😊.

  2. Great post. Thank you for sharing the wisdom God has given you. I think of the verse that says β€œwhat do you have that you have not received from the Lord?”(1 Cor 4:7) Solomon asked for wisdom and then God gave it to him to dispense of to others. I have to remember to ask so I have something to give. I don’t want to waste my prayers asking for riches or for the death of my enemies. It is the spirit in a man that gives wisdom.” (Job 32:8) I am glad He gives more of the spirit to those who ask.

  3. My palms are far beyond receiving. They’re also made to giveπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
    Thanks for sharing this wisdom with us bossπŸ˜‡

  4. I have been Blessed to be a blessing! God has blessed me with that which creation need; I have what is to be offered and I will do my diligence to mine well enough, offer substance of Value and let the world have what’s needed as a Salt that I am.

    Thanks Olayinka. ☺️

    1. Yes o! πŸ˜ƒ ✌️
      πŸ“ πŸ“Œ
      What an enlivening confession!
      Thanks so much for sharing this, it will go a long way to help.

      You are welcome bro 😍 πŸ€—

  5. Another one😍 yinka this is so good, going on a self discovery journey to find out what I have to offer to the world, no matter how small.
    God bless you and increase your knowledge 🀩🀩

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