Stop letting people trample on you!

Dear reader, I sincerely apologize for my long silence. I always had it in mind to reach out to you. I’m so sorry.

Thankfully I was encouraged by the anticipation and expectation of a friend who reached out to me. I’m back by God’s grace 

Sometimes ago as I walked past my hostel, I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to learn something from the grasses. They have a story to tell:

To think about it, who wouldn’t love our colors and how green we appear? We were together and enjoyed the company of one another until something happened which caused our division and a significant concern for our being.

Little by littlewe were rubbed off what made us one, and our colors great. You wouldn’t have to look the second time before you see that division discoloration we experienced until many of us lost our roots.

For what pleasure were we created and for what purpose were we made?

We were glad when men came to visit us. From afar, we saw their foot coming to reach out to us. We thought we were admired only to realize that all we are to them are a means to an end.

They walked over us steadily till we began losing our colours from green to brown. We thought they would stop. They never did until we lost all that we had. The ground wasn’t enough to anchor for us anymore, for their continual treading did a great deal than metals.

Until we were no more, and a gap in our uniformity. We are pained!

The grasses whispered to my ears, we have a story to tell. I’m glad I could tell you their story in a different way as I was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Have you wondered how pathways are formed on grasses?

It’s funny how that little by little, as people pass through the grasses, they leave a footpath visible for others to see. Unconsciously, others also choose to walk through that path.

You are special and unique in your way. God even said that through His word. You aren’t meant to be trampled upon. You aren’t trash, and you shouldn’t live like one.

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

What words have been spoken to you that have made you feel intimidated? What expression of bully have you received psychologically? You are more than all those!

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9 NLT

Rise to that place where you confront those words that leave you to abase. Come up hither. Your grass was never meant to be trampled upon even if it was for pruning to bring out the beauty of your make.

Do not give yourself to be abused and trampled upon. Expose yourself to the words of God and build a great mentality, one which is filled with love, power, and of a sound mind. For that is what God has given you.

4 thoughts on “Stop letting people trample on you!

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  1. Thanks for the great reminder of who we are. Truly some are not conscious of how great they are, leaving people who are even lesser than them to rubbish them. Imagine what they turned that green grass to. May we not be rubbished in Jesus Name.

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