A letter to you

Whoosh! It’s almost bedtime, and I desire to write to you before I sleep, as this memory still stays fresh within me. How have you been all this while? It’s been a long time since I last heard from you. There are lots of things to learn from all that happens around us. A simple... Continue Reading →


Hi! How have you been? So I was inspired to work with numbers this time around. Undoubtedly, you will learn from it. πŸ˜‰ 1 Corinthians 3:6-7I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. There... Continue Reading →

Let go!

Which is easier; to gain or to let go of certain things? Who knows, the choice may be dependent on those things which we may consider of high priority to us. What if these things occupy more space or even little space than they should? Wouldn't they limit or restrict the flow of other better... Continue Reading →

My one year blog anniversary

Happy birthday to us! Today's our one-year blogging anniversary. Surprisingly, I still can remember how it was a year ago when I first hit the publish button on this blog. At that time, a lot of thoughts ran through my mind and all. Hmmmm! While I thought about what I would be writing today, sincerely,... Continue Reading →

The dialogue – Zoe

Happy Easter season 🎊🎊✨ I pray that we experience the reason for the season and that our lives reflect the life of God which Jesus Christ gave us. Amen. It's been a while since the dialogue series was uploaded on the blog. Today, here's another series that I believe you will enjoy and also learn... Continue Reading →

Can entitlement be a good thing?

What comes to your mind whenever the word entitlement is said, read, or heard? Often times more than you ever heard the word, "entitlement" don't you feel certain things belong to you when they actually don't? Here's a short story I would love to share with you. ... There were two friends, Arthur and Leon... Continue Reading →

Do good people still live?

... My phone dropped on my way to church today, just opposite my house. I didn't notice until I got to church and I had many reasons to conclude that I left it back home.Fast forward... Returned back home this evening and me putting a call through...Apparently, someone in my street until I came gave... Continue Reading →

Beyond Skills; what to also have

It was a difficult decision for the board of directors. They had done their possible best to scrutinize the last two sets of exceptional candidates fit for the job. Sincerely, these two persons left were excellent in what they had to deliver. The last phase left was a test of their personalities and temperaments. Although... Continue Reading →

Why personal development is important

Certain times it seems as if one is stuck in a position where help can no longer be rendered by another person. We sometimes choose to blame the situations around us, and the happening in our societies. Sometimes we forget that it all begins with us. Little do we know that these little things matter,... Continue Reading →

A torch in daytime

Hello! How have you been? It's been a while πŸ˜ƒ. I hope that at the end of this post you get inspired and that you get the message. Parte after Parte πŸ˜‚πŸ₯‚πŸŽŠ It was a marriage ceremony where people had gathered to celebrate. As expected, it wasn't fast so, food and drinks had to be... Continue Reading →

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