Let go!

Which is easier; to gain or to let go of certain things? Who knows, the choice may be dependent on those things which we may consider of high priority to us.

What if these things occupy more space or even little space than they should? Wouldn’t they limit or restrict the flow of other better things?

As funny as this might sound, how comfortable do you feel when your favorite meal is placed before you, and you are heavily pressed to go to the toilet at that same time? I’m sure you would leave the food first to let go of the waste before you come back to enjoy your meal. Undoubtedly, there would be great satisfaction you enjoy while you eat.

Hey! while you cherish all of these things, do not make them impede your path towards better things. See beyond!

Often, we hold on to the mistakes of the past or even the glories of yesterday that we lose focus on the better things ahead of us. Sometimes, it’s even the mindset we have concerning most issues that restricts the flow of remarkable things from coming to us.

You don’t have to blame someone for the mindset that you have. You only need to change it. There is so much to the mind than we know. A person with a limited viewpoint attracts things of low value to oneself.

Matthew 11:28

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

These are the words of Jesus that always resound at desperate times. Are you hurt, troubled, or even feeling guilty of whatever might have happened? Trust those words and let go of those pains. You sure will find rest.


Romans 12:2

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Wow! I’m grateful to God for this🀭✨ While I pushed the publish button, I got this notification πŸ””. Thanks so much everyone for always coming here to check out on my posts. Your presence means a lot. You are loved 😍. Bigger things are coming! Wait for it!✨

13 thoughts on “Let go!

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  1. I will hold on to Romans 12:2.


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