You probably wouldn’t be familiar with me, so let’s keep my name unknown for now till later. Here's a part of my story I will love to share with you. It's one of my life's tales I would love you to learn from. It was an era when wars were fought and certain persons were... Continue Reading →
Let go!
Which is easier; to gain or to let go of certain things? Who knows, the choice may be dependent on those things which we may consider of high priority to us. What if these things occupy more space or even little space than they should? Wouldn't they limit or restrict the flow of other better... Continue Reading →
The dialogue – Zoe
Happy Easter season 🎊🎊✨ I pray that we experience the reason for the season and that our lives reflect the life of God which Jesus Christ gave us. Amen. It's been a while since the dialogue series was uploaded on the blog. Today, here's another series that I believe you will enjoy and also learn... Continue Reading →
The dialogue – Undervalue I hope you got at least a message from the dialogue. Sometimes mockery, ridicule or looking down on others may come in different ways. It might take other forms such as ;writing people off just because of performances in class, mocking a person because of size, shape or whatever. At the end Goliath's Head... Continue Reading →
The dialogue – From worry to Action.
At the end I hope you get the message and give your feedback in the comment box. Don't forget; YOU ARE LOVED Here is a short dialogue between two friends. One of them is inspired by a thought to do something... In the long run a message was passed across.