Why play the comparison game?

Hello beautiful people!!! 🤗😄Trust me, that's no flattery at all. You are indeed extraordinary and stunning. While you read that, did you ever doubt whether or not it was really true? Often we ask a lot of questions about our make. We even decide to give a balance to it when we compare ourselves to... Continue Reading →

My one year blog anniversary

Happy birthday to us! Today's our one-year blogging anniversary. Surprisingly, I still can remember how it was a year ago when I first hit the publish button on this blog. At that time, a lot of thoughts ran through my mind and all. Hmmmm! While I thought about what I would be writing today, sincerely,... Continue Reading →

Can entitlement be a good thing?

What comes to your mind whenever the word entitlement is said, read, or heard? Often times more than you ever heard the word, "entitlement" don't you feel certain things belong to you when they actually don't? Here's a short story I would love to share with you. ... There were two friends, Arthur and Leon... Continue Reading →

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